Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whats with God? whats with my manager? just thoughts

I tooted down the hall while giving someone a doggy treat for his dog. I thought of him today and his dog. then I thought of a few other owners and broke it up into peices. I joked around with him how I got the shit end of the stick for just hocking a loogy while coughing up stuff. I'm like for fucks sake you made a big scene out of that. I even got a WARNING from the manager not to do it agian. FOR A LOOGY! fuck am I some kinda worse crimminal then an anti-christ for a loogy to get a warning. OMG.

doesn't that make christians some weird vampire drinking the blood of christ and carnivour eating his flesh. what kind of God will I be born as as an example? just weird thoeiries. I'm shure God gots plently on his mind already then to set another prime example as that. But I guess the example is just fine and a tolerant art for a sinner anyways. Guess it all depends how you look at acceaptiblity.

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