Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A thought about the internet

The internet is full of junk spam. even yahoo chat is no longer worth visiting. all these people want to make a buck. Even I had gone to some of these sites and paid for a dead end service. getting my money back from them. It has become harder to find information that you want with all the confusing sites and junk. some of it was enlightening but was still going no place.

I read some on the conspiracies of the new world order (NWO). this leading no place. knowing absolute power corrupts absolute. But the truth about new world order is the fact it should be jumped on before someone else acts on it. as we the people should voice are selves on this so called NWO. this conspiracy is that the rich and superpower full will control and/or eliminate the world population.

If there is going to be a new world order. there needs to be a government or anarchy. the current insights on taxing the rich may not go well as plans because they are also job makers. some are using there budget to expand there business to make more jobs. its also based on person to persons wealth and what they do with it. If you eliminate the poor the rich will have nothing to gain. wealth would be eliminated and useless because so would the money be inflated to uselessness and no value. or there would be no needs in a peaceful anarchy.

The reality would be more violent in results first before the rich came to there knees realizing there money has become a product of war and greed. In reality. Money is a tool good or evil. If based on there earners good will to do what he wants to invest it in. either it be his enjoyment or to help benefit again. The ends meet its better to satisfy the soul with good works even still some require a reality to adjust from what they are doing. Karma in the end would decide the faith of those people.

Think of the reality of this growth is based on how well people are connected and connected to what. the internet can be a treasure trove of knowledge. You'll always got the possibility of dealing with some damages or useless information that you didn't want. It's another good reason to show your ratings for sites. knowing that’s a good mind child for positive growth.

think of the internet as a possible family. inside that family is trust and knowledge. but it too is limited. it's got its own circle of trust and knowledge (or should be). outside of it is money/resorces/knowelege/wisdom ect. so supposingly the bread winner supports his circle (family) giving his some powerful choices to teach his family how to open there social circles around them while they learn. the internet can be likewise. in this family we are looking forward how one another grow in positive growth and vital future information.

I'll speak more later. I'm just tired of blogging for now

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