Thursday, September 29, 2011

truth will set you free?

ok....... this is supost to be a christian nation right? the word of truth will set you free? well here is the truth. america is sold out to china and we owe in national debt,, this is your Christian nation that will set you free!. give me a had for some minor awareness and reality of what is really happening. this is your savior and reality becouse that is the truth of the world. This was mearly an example of what is happening. question your beliefs becouse of what is happening are you really in jesus or is he not the truth and life in the world or do you even want to acceapt him or are you. is this really a christian nation like you think? becouse it said that many shall borrow from you and your supost to be of no debt to another. reality says one thing in parelle to truth while the world speaks of another. God judges by the works of your hands more then what you believe. If you believe jesus' kingdom is not of this world and being the truth then your truth is not in this world is it? remember God judges by what you do in life right. is this going to be the reality of the world and your works being some other life and not this one. Or do you want to have some works of life for God to call judgment to you and what will that be worth to you? Do you want to have a relationship with God? acceapting him as a part of your life? How bad do you desire a life with God? I believe firmly in "in God we trust" on the dollar bill was the boldest statment of faith a for fathers written on the dollar bill. And if I had one to give to God I would give him a one. If God wants to see us crumble down to the basics agian to barters and not have money agian. I think we are on the verge of that chaos. and that are money is proving are faith in God comming back to the kingdom of God. I don't doubt God has witnessed are faith ever sense we printed that Note and beleive he has kept that very real with us as we kept it with him. God said vengence is mine. I will comprimise. we are merly but tools of his good will... and perhaps more then what we care to know some given days, I believe some of us are lucky to feel the heart of God and believe that some of us do and some of us are born straight of his love. giving us the benifts of the christian faith as well as being jewish. God loves his people is what I am saying. some of us never get to see the sight of truth within us even some times it seems too late. it never is too late to have a spark. May in God we trust provail over the nasty truth that is within the current politics and currupted system. Or let God himself do behalf of those that lead us. and hope he deals with them shortly before are nation falls for I don't think God did not make this nation in vain and believe he loves this nation with a strong fist. So I will fast to do my part to be with the faith of this nation as "one". for God is but one. we sould be one nation indivisible one people under God with liberity and justic for all.

Monday, September 26, 2011

some picture of a vision

I saw some transformations and devilish wisdom in this. the vision looked somewhat like this. I'm not saying it is this way exactly. visions do appear different from person to person. but this is a part of a vision I saw

Sunday, September 25, 2011

what if

Just considering the "what if" factors. knowing how it already looks to crumble in the goverment. What are the things we can do to change the factors of it crumbling. We will need some resorces. the best resorce(s) are educated minds. My best bet I would think that education on serveral factors would benifit a new future no matter how it is looked at. leaders need to know what will benift in presuit of a new future. I considered about the goverment. It would not be able to support a realitive amount of people. if it broke off there would be chaos agenst the goverment if that was the case. If we would to change the currecy by buying gold it would have affects as well. Not everyone would be interested in gold. this might benifit a portion of a new world econamy. but, an education would benifit. technoligy can bring us closer to that as well. we need to find a better way to have educational works online. no matter what ways the "ifs" of life sway. education and knowelge would serve even in future generations, as so we got as far as we did in these days.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Karma and God

the point that says karma is the sense of what you do and the results of what was done is the same if not different in level to God saying I am (what I am) that I am (what is: to come). I am that I am (God) and what I am/what I do and the future effects (karma) a comparision to the two are alike. this is I am the fact of the nature of karma and god are likewise as to the future effects that I am. I am not saying they are one and the same but are likewise similar. It is Gods freewill and being to place himself diffent from this law. I gave a few ladies a hug today. I couldn't help it. I just saw the love between them and said to myself. you know I better do something or they'll keep the love all to themselves. I told them how inferioir I was. and yes they were right. I was interupting them. Well so much for getting in between them. But I just needed to do something or I wouldn't consider myself as real acting upon my thoughts. I hope I showed love more then anything no matter how small I could feel for my insecurity. no matter how that feels.

Dreams and visions

I remember in a vision. I climbed the highest mountain. there I met God. in the manifestation of peace . I couldn’t see God directly but knew his presence was there. I could see the ripples of were he was. It wasn’t really there. just the presence of his I could feel and hear him speak to me something I can't remember. he was there as if he wasn't visible to the naked eye. But I could see him and feel his presence in my vision and feel as if he was a real thing in my vision. a memory I could touch into. like my mind I felt as it was a real presence. I wonder what he said to me the things he must’ve spoke to be a part of me like that. We don't always meet God in visions or reality or have revelations about his being. some time it may be a symbol of his life like perhaps wisdom and age that he appeared as an old man seeking something in the midst of nowhere in a desert. perhaps indefinitely God has something he wishes to seek. . So I say I saw God.

Friday, September 23, 2011


impaired with ADD. my niegbor said she would help someone with ADD with an inpact on there life. But what she wanted to be was a figure like the x-mans storm. I said she could be both. having super powers and helping other people with problems. It's in the world of are minds and freedom of creative ideas. practicail or not. from fantsy to reality. both are subjected to each other and even closer to that point or points everyday building with what we have. are enigiering wasn't the same as it was 100 years ago. were even looking towards cloning these days. that wasn't even possible 100 years ago. while we take the steps to complete are dreams. what would you do to step forward to completing those goals. share your dreams.

Pope pop said

There is your anarchy. Your on the right path only walking backwards. He added.  That is my style of anarchy. After all he is free to govern his own life and thoughts. In the prosuit of his happiness and family.

So new league if angels and demons are born on this day. When pope pop gets elected. No matter what its born a new day. Here he is to make a change..... just being himself.

The telepathic link from puffy his loving dog. Endowed him with this title. Makes you wonder the nature of mans most loved companions.

Pope pop said. Do that with everyone you see today.

What do you want to be

what inspires you. try to rule out God Allah Yahweh and all God heads. be anything from messiah musician artist architect technician maybe athlete actor computer artist. something creative that may lead a mark on next generation. perhaps a guru priest preacher. some unreal/mythical/supernatural force like angels/demons super hero demi-God mythical being perhaps a new creator not even written or likewise a living shadow an animate object like a golem a breathing/talking wall. perhaps you might want your brain waves to be transfused to technoigly to find its path to immortally in next generations technology. perhaps you want to really be a part of the ever growing technology or spark a new breath of life in technogly and put your soul in a part of the works while you live. maybe you want to live more primal down to the essence of life like an animal and be a part of the living pack. What drives you to desire this life/dream and motives you. perhaps a personal desire or encurraged to you by beliefs/religion. Or was some inspiring dream you had. remmebering even years ago we have accompished things that were immpossible to early generations. even time travel to be possible some day with only are minds held together splitting the framites of space and time. reality can't change do to that. we are a product of a realitivity of dreams a part of a cosmic mind and changing universe. the more we know are passions the closer we can come to obtaining the figments of the reality. we've already made a reality of space that is unreal creative outlet of life inside the mind of computers. that is ever growing reality.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Whats with God? whats with my manager? just thoughts

I tooted down the hall while giving someone a doggy treat for his dog. I thought of him today and his dog. then I thought of a few other owners and broke it up into peices. I joked around with him how I got the shit end of the stick for just hocking a loogy while coughing up stuff. I'm like for fucks sake you made a big scene out of that. I even got a WARNING from the manager not to do it agian. FOR A LOOGY! fuck am I some kinda worse crimminal then an anti-christ for a loogy to get a warning. OMG.

doesn't that make christians some weird vampire drinking the blood of christ and carnivour eating his flesh. what kind of God will I be born as as an example? just weird thoeiries. I'm shure God gots plently on his mind already then to set another prime example as that. But I guess the example is just fine and a tolerant art for a sinner anyways. Guess it all depends how you look at acceaptiblity.

Some thought on an RPG I was playing as younger

I remmber back when I was younger in teen years or younger. I had a game that allowed me to creat and even edit my character. I was so inspired by power to have powerful characters. I'm not the only to have these sensations drawl to that kind of feeling. I then wanted to make one or two great powerful characters with the ablity to walk through the game.

I'm probly saying. there is nothing new to the inspiration to have the kind of streight. the one power. the jack of trades. Even still probly more common to think of it in many role playing games. But in reality the realistic part isn't being all powerful but working with what you have makes you unquie in many fasions giving and governing many personality traits from your acomplishments.

I know in my days I didnt play the feeble/helpless begger in a role playing game latly and probly will not any time soon. seems were more inspired to play the all powerful super hero and idiol. we want are place to be written in stone. but who doesn't? I'm not saying there are not people that do not care about having there lives written down and remmbered. I'm just saying who doesn't want to be remmbered even for 1 minor good deed?

We sould really think of this "one". becouse it is not all true that the famous figures in history lived up to good health or even pefact health for the time being. and infamous truth they were with a flaw in some fact of reality. the more inspired tales are some times a character that longs for the more perfect life while being some hero. showing dedication of character. to get along with defect in there life as someone they can relate to.

Regardless no matter what hero is there. It doesn't seem to fall without some epic battle or even yet to come. Will God tolerate this? Does God even need to fight in the first place? and why should he? why is it even in his power to take place of good and evil domain. Truly think your life would be a little beyond these ideals by then or even grown past them in time as you may desire to grow with your creation one day. Why wouldn't you desire to feel your creation as a part of you or even seperate?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A thought about the internet

The internet is full of junk spam. even yahoo chat is no longer worth visiting. all these people want to make a buck. Even I had gone to some of these sites and paid for a dead end service. getting my money back from them. It has become harder to find information that you want with all the confusing sites and junk. some of it was enlightening but was still going no place.

I read some on the conspiracies of the new world order (NWO). this leading no place. knowing absolute power corrupts absolute. But the truth about new world order is the fact it should be jumped on before someone else acts on it. as we the people should voice are selves on this so called NWO. this conspiracy is that the rich and superpower full will control and/or eliminate the world population.

If there is going to be a new world order. there needs to be a government or anarchy. the current insights on taxing the rich may not go well as plans because they are also job makers. some are using there budget to expand there business to make more jobs. its also based on person to persons wealth and what they do with it. If you eliminate the poor the rich will have nothing to gain. wealth would be eliminated and useless because so would the money be inflated to uselessness and no value. or there would be no needs in a peaceful anarchy.

The reality would be more violent in results first before the rich came to there knees realizing there money has become a product of war and greed. In reality. Money is a tool good or evil. If based on there earners good will to do what he wants to invest it in. either it be his enjoyment or to help benefit again. The ends meet its better to satisfy the soul with good works even still some require a reality to adjust from what they are doing. Karma in the end would decide the faith of those people.

Think of the reality of this growth is based on how well people are connected and connected to what. the internet can be a treasure trove of knowledge. You'll always got the possibility of dealing with some damages or useless information that you didn't want. It's another good reason to show your ratings for sites. knowing that’s a good mind child for positive growth.

think of the internet as a possible family. inside that family is trust and knowledge. but it too is limited. it's got its own circle of trust and knowledge (or should be). outside of it is money/resorces/knowelege/wisdom ect. so supposingly the bread winner supports his circle (family) giving his some powerful choices to teach his family how to open there social circles around them while they learn. the internet can be likewise. in this family we are looking forward how one another grow in positive growth and vital future information.

I'll speak more later. I'm just tired of blogging for now

This is my first post from phone

This is my first atempt for mobile blogging. Im just seeing how it sets up and how to work it. Like other things.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Creating awareness would benift us all. I'm slowly getting back into the truth and reality as things are and what is happening. Not some fake reality. I feel a hostail feeling in my life having to acceapt the reality. I want to make my posts more general untell I can explain the pot holes made in are daily lives and making an effort to change things. religion will not be the full truth becouse God is not responsible for everything. We lead are lives in opritunity to change it for the better. this is my goal and will explain how I feel even if it needs some currection along the way or needs of new insights.