Saturday, October 1, 2011

beuty of the english laungue

um excuse me,oh my god what the fuck. I supose there are so many excuses to get you out of the most dreaded situations or prehaps hum excuse me we have a problem. there is no way to put this easy. excuse me I need to talk to you in private. your not going to like this. so many expressions to know that what before you panic let me try to ease that panic and let you know we have a problem. but, um, what? maybe are favorates are profain like suck my dick, fuck off, not shit!? or perhaps a little on the light side excuse me. you didnt? how could you? PLEASE! you shouldntve. or more simple perhaps, enlighten me, perhaps sugestive? you should try that. I don't think you could do it. I could really use some help. perhaps we can try a few combinations like. why dont you go hide and fuck yourself? oh my god! I also like this like that I got from a review online. the guy was trying to explain what he seemed he did not know. so he said and then you um... I mean. it says everything right there! and, then, YOU,..... UM? um? what. like fill in the blanks for me on this alsome review! um. the magic word to I'm thinking here um...? give me a break for my thought patterns to get together a bit more while I just got to blah at you. um... and then of course there will always be um... and then um. you know? its the magic difter word of I am thinking right now I'll answer you in a bit after my thoughts are done with getting together. then I will answer. Its the magic word of the definition of low IQ excuse and smarter then dumb becouse we had to have learned this magic none sense word of um. We dont have to be colorfull all the time. but we could arouse curisity. did you see that? I know the meaning of life. don't you know. maybe sugestive lines will help benift mans mind some day and get them to think about what we really wanted to find out for are selves. maybe some day someone will come out with another colorfull saying that'll stop things dead in there track. so get your head out of your ass and think for yourself while at it. becouse nobody is going to think for you and everyone else is already taken. so be yourself. best wishes in encurraging ways.

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